Property Maintenance Code

The Code Enforcement Officer Ron Giza may be contacted by telephone at 570.908.7139 or email at

The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary, and not pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare.
• Owners of property situate in the Township of Jenkins, whether such property is occupied or vacant, must keep the property reasonably free of weeds, wild honeysuckle, underbrush, cans, bottles or any other refuse or debris which may create or may tend to create a harbor for rats or other hazard to the public health and safety of others. Owners of all such property must keep the grass cut on their premises, including the grass in the sidewalk areas adjoining their premises.
• All premises and exterior property shall be free from weeds or plant growth in excess of 10 inches. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs; however, this shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens.
• All fences, retaining walls or similar structures shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner and properly maintained in a state of good repair.
• All accessory structures, including detached garages, sheds, cabanas and swimming pools shall be maintained in structurally sound conditions and in overall good repair.
• Each structure to which a street number has been assigned shall have such number displayed so that it can be easily observed and readable from the public right-of-way.
• Each dwelling must have at least one smoke detector on each floor and a minimum of two smoke detectors per dwelling. Smoke detectors save lives.

Safe and Decent Housekeeping is Everyone’s Responsibility!

As a property owner, you have certain obligations. Protect your investments and health of the occupants by maintaining your property in good repair.

1. Do all repairs in an approved manner, using proper materials in accordance with all applicable codes.
2. Keep the exterior of the structure free of broken glass, loose roofing and siding shingles, peeling paint and crumbling stone or bricks.
3. Maintain doors and windows, including storm doors and screens, in good working condition. Functional doors and windows may be critical in emergency situations.
4. Maintain driveways and walkways in proper states of repair, free of hazardous conditions.
5. Maintain property free of rodents and parasites.
6. Keep all yards or lots free of unsightly materials, debris, and junk materials which may cause fire hazards or may act as breeding places for vermin and insects.
7. Properly dispose of garbage and rubbish in containers with lids. Don’t place garbage or trash receptacles at the curb earlier than (1) day prior to scheduled pickup. All containers must be returned to their original storage place within (1) day after pickup.
8. Take care of pets. Don’t allow pets to run free. Dogs must be leashed at all times when not on the premises of the owner or keeper. Any animal which creates offensive odors, excessive noises, or unsanitary conditions may not be harbored in the Township. Curb your dog, and clean up waste daily.
9. Cut and trim all trees, weeds, hedges, shrubbery, and underbrush abutting on the streets or sidewalks. Provide at all times a clear passage of eight (8′) feet above the sidewalks and fourteen (14′) feet above the street.
10. Properly maintain all vehicles. It is against the law to keep or store any vehicle on either a public street or on a private property which is not operable or which does not have a current license plate and/or a current registration.

As a Tenant You Also Have Responsibilities

1. Maintain dwelling in a clean and sanitary condition, free of conditions which might encourage rodent infestations.
2. Properly dispose of garbage and rubbish in containers with lids.
3. Maintain yard in a neat and sanitary manner, free of litter, junk, abandoned/unlicensed vehicles and animal waste.
4. Notify owner when repairs are needed and allow reasonable time for owner to complete repairs before contacting township officials.

The Jenkins Township Code Enforcement Office enforces Jenkins Townships property maintenance code to protect the health, safety and welfare. The Code Enforcement Officer Ron Giza may be contacted by telephone at 570.908.7139 or by email at

A copy of this code is available for review in the administrative office of Jenkins Township during normal business hours.
Please call the Code Enforcement Office with any questions or complaints.
Please use the form below.

Thank You!